New in version 34 (December 2022) is a faster navigation option via icons in the bottom line of the screen.
A click on the top left (3 horizontal lines, the so-called "burger menu") opens the system menu.
In the penultimate line of the home screen there are icons with direct links to the K1 Gallery Group website, Instagram and Facebook of K1.
In the bottom row of the home screen, you can jump (from left to right) to the home screen, to the "K1" screen (with exhibitions, galleries and routes), to the map view or to the system menu with settings options.
In the K1 screen, three buttons in the upper area can be used to switch between views:
For each gallery, this list displays the name and an icon of the gallery, its URL, and a concise summary of the most important contact information.
Show details for the selected exhibition. Here you can also swipe right/left to add/delete an entry from the list of favorites
Get a list of recommended routes.
A map with the galleries of the K1 group is displayed. Depending on the selected route, only part of the galleries can be displayed here.
Here there are the following setting options: